A rainy night, and no lamps shining. I am surrounded by darkness and you are not there to\hold my hand. One evening, you told me that you would never leave me and that we would always be friends. But we are apart now. Lies… they were all lies.
What is an open space without trees or flowers? A mountain or a valley? What is a man without feelings? An animal or a human? An animal is more timid than that kind of person. Animals mean wildness but also innocence. Humans mean tameness but also cunning. Men’s cunning means hatred, malice, harshness. Perhaps if men were more like animals, our world would be a better place. But are animals really better than men?
It’s a question that I will never be able to answer.
I know what you are going to tell me. Is what you say really possible? Of course it is! Everything is possible in this world.
I know that I don’t know everything, but as a human being, I have an instinct about certain things. Just as an animal senses danger, so does man. Don’t tell me you know about feelings. Only cultured people know about these things. What is a cultured person? As far as I am concerned, it is someone who is mentally mature, he doesn’t have to be educated!
Cultured people exist only on remote islands. Those islands are far away. In order to travel to the depths of your soul, you will have to embark on a long journey. You need time, strength and patience.
I haven’t managed it, but there are others who have. The island is called “the soul” (though people can give it whatever name they want). Hopefully one day, I will reach my destination. I’d like to see what it is like. What will I find there? Only my soul can know.
I know that all this sounds crazy to you, but this is the reality hidden by words and rhetoric. Every time I realise who we are and what we are concealing, my mind, my heart, my thoughts and my whole being are filled with awe.
I am aware that you are laughing at me because of all the things I am saying, but believe me, they are true and I do hope that you too will find a moment to travel to the depths of your soul.

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