Congratulations on the fantastic work you do. Your newspaper shows total professionalism.
4th Public High School, Nea Smyrni
Congratulations for this great initiative and the project “Migratory Birds”.
6th Primary School, Aigaleo
That is a great media that shows the great work that Network for Children’s Rights is doing.
In AYRE we feel so glad for being a small part of this project.
AYRE Solidario-Asociacion de Ayuda al Refugiado
We are in total awe of the work you are doing at the newspaper, and we request the right to republish certain articles.
All of us here at the NGO More Mosaic in Sweden would like to extend our warmest congratulations for the amazing work you have done in the newspaper “Migratory Birds”. There is no better way to describe the daily life of refugees than their personal testimonies and their own very vivid accounts of actual events, which touch every reader. What is more we believe that the supplement gives readers such as us the ability to obtain a picture not only of what these people are going through but also of what they are feeling, because it gives us the opportunity to reassess our own lives.
Respectfully yours
The More Mosaic Team
Let us take this opportunity to congratulate you on the initiative and all the hard work we know it requires. We would very much like to give the TEEN SPIRIT Facility for unaccompanied teenagers the chance to participate.
This is so beautifully done. We would love to republish two of these stories on Refugees Deeply.
Refugees Deeply
I read your article about the mutli-lingual story “Little-I-Am-Me” in the January 2018 issue of “Migratory Birds”. Thank you so much. I am its Greek translator and I would really love it to reach all refugee children. I am available for any help and assistance you may require.
Respectfully yours for the work you do and for the magazine.
Anastasia Kalantsi-Aziz
We are writing to thank you most sincerely for kindly sending us the information pack and more specifically the newspapers relating to refugee matters. You have contributed greatly to the need for information and education of the children living at the “Frixos” Accomodation Centre for Unaccompanied Minors” run by ARSIS in Alexandroupoli. You have made it possible for them to access some of their most basic rights, and have simultaneously supported the work of the social centres and projects of ARSIS. We deeply value your assistance, because your generosity contributes both materially and morally to the success of our social work. Together we can try to bring some small relief to the daily needs of people.
ARSIS – “Frixos” Accomodation Centre for Unaccompanied Minors
Please accept our warmest thanks for the excellent presentation of the issues relating to the rights of children and the publication of the newspaper “Migratory Birds” (…) on Thursday May 19th 2018, during our Themed Week.
Dimitris Kalaitzidis
Neo Faliro High School
Congratulations yet again for the excellent work that you do. Organization Earth is delighted to offer you as much support as possible.
Organization Earth
It was a pleasure talking to you, but I feel happiest for the children that come into contact with you! Congratulations.
Petros Golestani
I read your March issue, which really thrilled and moved me! It may be written by young people, but it is aimed at all ages, and I say this as a 68 year-old. Tomorrow, I plan to take the latest issue to the town’s (Ierapetra’s) old people’s home and read the article on SUCCESS to the residents. It’s fantastic!
Thanks to all of you! Carry on pursuing your dreams!
Susanne Halikia
I am sending you a PDF version of the news report we did of your visit to Chania and the newspaper you produce. I personally enjoyed talking to you very much.
Keep well, and carry on with your efforts!
Dimitris Maridakis – Chania News
Remembering the newspaper’s birthday
It was our first day of working on the newspaper “Migratory Birds”. We had heard a lot about them and really wanted to join their team.
We had never visited a large library in Greece before and as soon as we arrived, we learnt that our visit coincided with the newspaper’s first birthday.
The newspaper team has been very successful despite the many adverse conditions its members have faced.
They are a tightly knit group that has spent the past year trying to record anything and everything to do with the lives and living conditions of migrants. I am delighted to be a part of the team, because I now have the means to give a brief account of my own life. Hopefully “Migratory Birds” will enable my story to be heard by many!!!

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