Photo by Migratory Birds Team


Freedom is a much-misunderstood term. Some think it means that you can do what you like, even at the expense of harming others.

Freedom however means doing what you like without harming others. It means expressing your opinion without having to die for doing so. It means living well and being vindicated, without having to pay money for justice to be done.

Most countries no longer understand the meaning of freedom because freedom of speech, opinion and life are totally suppressed. Clothes, hair, expenses, make-up, showing the hidden parts of your body, these are all superficial expressions of freedom.

As far as I am concerned, freedom is being able to exercise my rights as a human being, without crossing red lines. To be successful in my job. To express my opinions openly in society without someone saying that I must retreat into the kitchen because I am a woman and that I must stay at home to raise my children. Freedom means living like a free woman without the ancient, barbaric restraints of society.

Freedom means deciding which is the correct path for you and then following it. To think and choose the things that characterise you without crossing the lines drawn by others. Then you will be free, but never forget respect, education and awareness of your mistakes.

Freedom is to respect the lives of others, not to disregard social mores, and to behave decently. It means defending the freedom of thought and expression, and if you disagree you should do so with respect. It means telling the truth and supporting what is good, without fearing people. It means upholding justice. Freedom means you are responsible for choosing your friends and your studies. It means being able to express yourself without having to pretend to be someone else just to satisfy those around you.

Freedom means being free to study and find a job that you like in order to insure your future. It means having a good impact on your country and your community.  Freedom means taking on responsibility for behaving and expressing yourself within the bounds of reason.

Break your silence, but don’t break your reflection in the mirror.

Noora al Fadli

Young Journalists

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