NarrationsSocietyMigratory Birds #3 A morning at Athens University Migratory BirdsYoung JournalistsSeptember 30, 2017
NarrationsSocietyMigratory Birds #3 A morning at Athens University Migratory BirdsYoung JournalistsSeptember 30, 2017
EditorialMigratory Birds #2 A forum for the communication between refugees and Greek citizens Migratory BirdsYoung JournalistsJuly 22, 2017
ArtCities The electric railway, one journey, a thousand pictures Migratory BirdsYoung JournalistsJuly 22, 2017
NarrationsMigratory Birds #2 Visit to the Public Library of Nea Erythraia Migratory BirdsYoung JournalistsJuly 22, 2017
CitiesMigratory Birds #2 The electric railway, one journey, a thousand pictures Migratory BirdsJuly 22, 2017
EditorialMigratory Birds #1 Life through the eyes of a teenage refugee Migratory BirdsYoung JournalistsApril 14, 2017