As far as I am concerned, the best and most entertaining hobby is roller-skating. It has made me very curious and I would like to learn more about it. At first, before I got the hang of it, I was often out of control. But I practiced and improved quickly. On non-working days, I go to the park near our house, I roller-skate and have a great time.
When I was in Afghanistan I dreamed of having my own skates, but the situation there did not allow it. When I came here, I asked my mother to buy me some so that I could learn and practice how to skate. I found it easy and was a quick learner. Sometimes, when I go to the park with my friends, they look interested and want to learn too, but they find it difficult, in fact next to impossible.
I think it is a very interesting hobby. It gives pleasure and stirs up emotions. It strengthens muscles and when done by listening to music, is energizing and exciting. That is why I adore skating so much. I always listen to music when roller-skating and I feel great. I never get tired or bored. On the contrary, I feel really well.
For those starting from scratch, helmets etc. are a must. Roller-skating requires balance and courage. To start with, everyone was afraid I might fall and hurt myself badly, but I gradually learnt with my brother’s help. I had to learn how to control myself. My advice to anyone who has never roller-skated, is to try it at least once. You are bound to like it.

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