The 9th issue of “Migratory Birds” heralds the start of its second year of circulation. We carry on undeterred and move forward on our own unique journalistic path.
The significance of the newspaper before you is not only due to the number of issues and articles, nor to its increase in circulation and quality of readership. What really matters is how it functions: “Migratory Birds” not only serves the freedom of speech, opinion and expression of its contributors, but also provides points of contact between teenagers.
In the past few weeks, we have welcomed new members to our team, from Afghanistan and Syria, who are ready to share their concerns but also their dreams with us. The theme of the present issue is the result of discussions that took place during our meetings last month. It is a rich anthology of our thoughts and a rare overview of our journey, which you will find within these pages.
Amongst the articles in this 9th issue, you will read about a sad figure that made people laugh and the wheelchair basketball champion of 2018, you will find a ticket to Hollywood and you will see what it means to be a refugee through the eyes of artists that came to speak to members of our team. Finally, we will tell you about our one-year anniversary celebration for ‘Migratory Birds” and Radio Dandelion and we will take you on a journey to a country far far away.
Happy reading!
*This article has been published in issue #9 of “Migratory Birds” newspaper, which was released as an annex with “Efimerida ton Syntakton” newspaper (Newspaper of the Editors) on July 28th 2018.

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