Do we all agree that 2020 was a year of series and movies? Last year we brought cinema into our homes. The screen was small and the lighting wasn’t that good, but we were lucky to able to watch what we love over and over again. Most of us started a series and got to the third of fourth season without even realising.
The movies and series I have watched have brought tears and laughter, while sometimes they have made me think outside the box. We usually believe what we see, so we believe that on the Earth humans, animals and plants exist. But what if things are much more complicated than that? Does anyone believe in supernatural creatures?

During quarantine I watched “The Vampire Diaries”, a series featuring vampires, witches, werewolves, hunters, doppelgangers, hybrids, ghosts, travellers and humans. I was obsessed with this series because I have a thing for supernatural creatures and watching this series made me believe that I am not the only one who believes in weird creatures. My favourite quote from the series is “Fight for it!”. This is not just a phrase, but also a big inspiration to fight for what we deserve or what we love. Another series everyone loved was “Game of Thrones”. I honestly cannot say anything more. Just watch it!
A movie that made me really emotional was “Me before you”. So I decided to read the novel as well. It did not come out in 2020, but you should watch it anyway! Some friends also told me about “After we collided” and “The Kissing Booth”. Both movies were just “wow”!

I have wondered why I am so obsessed with movies, and I have realised that I always find a part of myself in them. I have been in similar situations and movies show me that there are many different ways of dealing with them.
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