Photo by Migratory Birds Team

Citizens of the world! We are a team without borders!

We can’t quite believe that the newspaper you are holding in your hands today is actually our fourth issue.   And we never expected so many children, all so very different, to have joined our team. Each with his or her own unique personality, convictions and traditions. Can such a group really coexist?

Of course, it can! We are a team without borders, one that respects different languages and cultures and does not consider them an obstacle to communication.

Photo by Migratory Birds Team

So, in this fourth issue you will find messages to Europe, read about current affairs such as the oil spill of Athens, discover where to find the best falafel in town and have all your questions about international protection answered as you read the interview which we have secured for you. And what is more, we will whet your appetite with our delicious Afghan recipe!

Photo by Migratory Birds Team

Migratory Birds

Young Journalists

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