An ice cream in December?

Why not? We have been through a very warm autumn and winter came so much late. Climate change is not so far away – we can already feel its effects. That is exactly what we wanted to show with this issue’s cover. And no one wants their ice cream to melt!

As 2020 is on its way, we are excited about the next decade, but at the same time, worried. Worried that something effective enough has not been done about climate change, worried about the global warming, worried that wars are still going on. It’s time to stop the war and fight for the environment.   

The 16th issue of Migratory Birds is dedicated to the environment. We participate in “Fridays For Future”, the students’ march against climate change, and we have a very vivid photo-reportage. We are concerned about the tones of waste we generate every year and we want to become more conscious consumers. We look for alternatives and new ways to reduce our waste and we find “Fabric Republic”, that collects and redistributes or recycles clothes, as well as the team of “Shedia Art”, that uses old issues of “Shedia” magazine to make handicrafts. 

Mohammed shares his personal experience from the day he got in Greece until the time he received a positive answer for a family reunification. Neda talks about depression and how we can notice its signs, so that we can ask for help. Ihtisham turns to poetry and writes about poets he admires from different cultures. On the last pages, we reminisce our most important moments in 2019 and wish to live in a better world in 2020!

Migratory Birds

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