Sharing experiences from participating in “Raise Your Voice”, a festival against human trafficking that took place online in April 2021.
Popal Sultani
Some time ago, I participated in the “Raise Your Voice” festival. In this festival people from Greece united and raised our voice against human trafficking. People can harm and take advantage of vulnerable people. We must talk to each other and help the victims. Many times, the victims are afraid to talk to others. We must try to understand their words from their eyes and listen to their heart. Only in this way we can help them. With empathy, we can try to understand their position. All together we can try to stop human trafficking and make a better world. For my participation, I decided to take this picture. In it you can see two people, you can recognize who the victim is. And if we meet a victim, we should try to support them…
My message: “Empathy is seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another and feeling with the heart of another. Without empathy, we cannot fight the darkness of selling souls”.

Ali Waezi
I was very happy to participate in the “Raise Your Voice” festival. It was a great experience. Human trafficking is a crime against humanity. Every year, thousands of men, women and children fall into the hands of traffickers, in their own countries and abroad. Exploitation does not have a gender. This could happen to anyone. If we are aware of such incidents we have to talk and act. We must help the victims. We must listen and support them to stop their silence. It is important for every society to help and be by the side of these people.
My message: “The exploitation of a human by a human is a crime, we may choose to look away, but we can never say that we did not know”.
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