The birth of a dream

Congratulations “Migratory Birds”, you are the newspaper that soars above the blue sky, a sky that is and always will be blue for us, even though your sky was created behind barbed wire. You were strong enough not to abandon your dreams and ambitions; you kept them all alive in your heart until you could get close to them and make them come true.

You knew that if your dreams disappeared you would turn into a featherless fowl, unable to fly.

You knew that all we migratory birds were ensnared in life’s trap and were reaching the end of a hazy road full of barbed wire. But you never forgot how to fly, and by soaring over the tops of all those obstacles you managed to overcome the barriers that people put in your way and set yourself free.

14th April 2018

You began your beautiful flight a year ago today. May you enjoy the same wonderful feelings and experiences that we all deserve. You started writing about our problems and difficulties. Your stories helped alleviate our pain – at least in theory – and led us to look at our journey more positively, to put aside our negative thoughts, to overcome our sorrow, pain and tears, and to turn them all into determination. This determination conquered everything negative and filled us with feelings of optimism and hope, because we realised that someone was listening to us, someone was responding to our aspirations, someone was hurting for us. That “someone” is you. The newspaper “Migratory Birds!”

Today was unique because our tears did not upset us; on the contrary, they made us happy because they were tears of joy for your anniversary.

We never felt as much joy in any of the last seven issues as we did when you first began circulating. Your launch made us so happy and hopeful that our dreams would come true and it really did spread our wings.

The year that went by was no ordinary one; it was full of life, a huge memory and a long flight that lasted a whole year.

All this is just to say thank you and to tell you how grateful we are to you, our readers, for being the sweetest way to heal our broken wings.

“Migratory Birds” has taught us that as long as we can smile and love one another, life becomes more beautiful and the world around us more attractive and positive.

*This article has been published in issue #8 of “Migratory Birds” newspaper, which was released as an annex with “Efimerida ton Syntakton” newspaper (Newspaper of the Editors) on May 25th 2018.

Najmiah Hossaini

Young Journalists

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