In today’s world, when so many people live in conditions of insecurity and hardship, settling in a country that provides safety and progress is something to be desired.
When Germany opened its borders in 2015, this wish was partly turned into a reality. It became almost the only solution for people who had suffered the consequences of adversity, such as war and hunger.
When people hear or read such news, they get excited and believe that their present difficulties will soon be over. They take a new risk in order to leave their misery behind and end up in a progressive country.
In order to arrive at such a country people sometimes pay a heavy price. The price may be the loss of a family member. Is it worth it, in order to reach the land of one’s dreams?
It seems that those who lost a relative in the process didn’t really have any other choice but to set off on the road towards a new life in a new country, with the surviving members of the family.
The German state has made clear-cut, encouraging attempts to support those suffering from war and other disasters. It teaches children their new language and culture and creates optimism for a better future.
All this gives people the hope that with the passing of time all negative thoughts will be set aside and they can look to a brighter future without worries and much joy, so that they can play a part in the progress of their new adopted country.
Life goes on. It is up to us whether we follow the good or the bad.
I used the word “people” a lot in this article, so that people realise that those that are responsible for wars and poverty affect other people just like them. They should not insult them and when they call them “refugees”, they should not belittle them. They should be aware that everyone has their own language, culture, civilisation and religion. To conclude, they too have a right to life.

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