Migratory Birds, We will resurrect our homeland (1)

We will resurrect our homeland

Our hope for our homeland Afghanistan knows no bounds.  As children we watched the explosions on television and yearned for them to stop so that they wouldn’t destroy our beautiful country.  We didn’t want ceilings to collapse or children to be left alone without their families.  We didn’t want one single explosion to destroy the optimism of our fellow Afghans or the beauty of a country now associated with bloodshed and disaster in people’s minds.

We would like to rebuild you, oh beloved homeland.

One of the worst things about Afghanistan is the prevalence of discrimination.  We hope that this will cease and be replaced by love and respect amongst its people and the various tribes.  Only then can everyone work together to rebuild the country.  We have never set eyes on you, oh beloved country, but we love you passionately.  Your fate is linked to ours.  Our other wish for our country is for its children to grow up in peace, without war, and to go to school as children do the world over. To live in peace and tranquillity, to study, to achieve their goals and make their dreams come true.  We wish for equality of gender, so that men and women can stand side by side, working together for the good of the country.

We wish many things for you, oh beloved homeland, and we do what we can to achieve the best possible results.  Afghanistan, we promise you that we will resurrect you and restore your reputation and prestige.

Photos by Migratory Birds Team

Fatimah Hosseini

Nazila Ghafouri

Young Journalists

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