Photo by Youth Centre

50 years later, still relevant…

Marches, events in schools, interviews with politicians, broadcasts, specials. All dedicated to the Polytechnic. To those historic days of November when the students, with the support of indignant citizens of all ages, dealt the final blow to fascism and the dictatorial regime that until then had stifled every democratic idea.

Exactly fifty years later, one could say that the events of the Polytechnic have passed into history, that they are in the past. Democracy is now firmly established. There is no reason to revisit, to remember…

But fascism has not been extinguished. It is always here. Sometimes visible and sometimes like a shadow that plagues humanity and penetrates various areas of our lives. In politics, in the workplace, in the minority rights, in love life, in speech, in sports, in the family… It finds fertile ground in outdated beliefs, in economically impoverished citizens, in patriarchal family models, in racist ideologies to grow and manifest itself with often disastrous consequences.

Nowadays humanity is experiencing crisis at all levels: economy, values, politics. With the war raging, internal conflicts with no end in sight. The price will be paid by the thousands of dead civilians, refugees… Today, the perseverance, bravery, courage, daring, thirst for freedom and democratic ideals shown by the young people at the 1973 Polytechnic, which overthrew fascism and paved the way for the consolidation of democracy, seem more necessary than ever.

In 1973 our people proved that nothing is impossible. It united its voice, its momentum and shook off fascism. Today these people must stand as guides in our own march. They must be a shining example for us to take our turn in fighting fascist elements in every small or large aspect of our lives. Today we must stand united to shake off every attempt at silencing, every attempt at annihilation, every exterminating policy.

50 years later, still relevant…

Maria Petsini

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